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? You lower your arms the material rustling as you do so. You become very awarethat the blouse is semi-transparent, self-conscious. ?Starting at the top Fiona, undo the buttons on your blouse.? You hesitateslightly. ?Do it now Fiona.? Your fingers go to the top button and reluctantly undo it. ?Excellent Fiona.Now the rest.? The next one follows and slowly you start to feel the cool airupon your skin, as the buttons are undone. You look down as you do this. Tosee what you are doing or in shame,. We have very good terms with the family of nadia. She is living with her mother and a little sis who was 15 years old at that time and also developing towards a sexy baby. I will tell u more about her younger sister shumaila in my next story. Her father was in USA so they always request me to do any task for their home or outside work.Nadia was in Inter Science and I was doing Masters at that time. One day nadia came to my house in afternoon around 3.00 pm, at that time my family was sleeping. She saidSweety: sir deko aap ne kya kiyaMe `; what kuch nahe hota yar just water.. Sweety `; to aab me geela top pehen ke bithi rahu.There she gave me the chance…Me: nop utar do i will get it dry an i laughed……When i saw her face she had a mysterious smile on her face and that made me horny. She saw that I’m having a hard on. I went to washroom shagged an came back she as still smiling the same way, i askedMe: kya hua…Sweety: nothing just thinking aap kaha se aarahe hhooMe: wahe se jaha kabhi. ’ Tears started in her eyes. ‘There! Now you know.’ I was unable to think. Fortunately Antonia gave me some time as she fished out a delicate lace handkerchief from her clutch bag and dabbed at her eyes. I gathered my thoughts. ‘I am sorry, Antonia. I didn’t know.’ ‘Of course you didn’t. It was my secret.’ ‘Did Becky know?’ ‘A girl’s best friend knows everything. Oh I knew it was futile. I was six years younger than you. You didn’t even notice me, I was just the silly girl that hung around.
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