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)That left the house free for an Inner Circle meeting -- always a high point in my increasingly complicated but interesting life. Mom, the one woman I trusted above all others (but would not release); Candice, the beauty queen who went from being a virtual stranger to the totally committed love of my life; Marie, who with her scorn was able to keep me grounded despite her own sex cravings; Mary Ann, who brought an adult persepctive to everything despite her refusal to wear a top indoors; mighty. Lana surprised everybody except Chloe when she handed Lois a pack of erotic scenario cards. When asked why she had them she replied that she?d needed them. They all looked at Clark then her, including Clark. Next the rules were laid out by Lois, with a little input by the girls. As agreed upon they all put in a hundred dollars into the pot. Lois insisted shuffling saying that she didn?t think any of them knew how to handle cards. Dealing quickly they all looked at their cards. Everyone checked. And then it started, the belt sung through the air and then snapped just as it cracked across her ass with a loud thwack. The first few blows were the lightest, he quickly increased speed and force with which they came. Soon enough her ass was blood red and already starting to bruise as he stopped. Charity was sobbing uncontrollably but not for the reason he thought. She was so happy that he had decided to give her punishment which meant in her eyes and mind that there was more than a fleeting. As he pulled up in front of the departure area, I grabbed my tote and cosmetic bag, gave my husband a big kiss and hug, and I exited the car to meet Mary.As I walked into the terminal, I just happen to looked down at myself after workers carrying some luggage gave me a funny look. What I saw was kind of embarrassing. I must have rubbed up against something this morning, because on top of my right foot is a dark smear. Now I don't remember rubbing my foot against anything, but what ever it is, I.
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