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He burned my bras, "to liberate me", he had said. He'd locked my panties in his father's den desk. My husband, George, no longer possessed the key. On my first meeting day I felt defiant just enough to swipe one of my son's cotton briefs from the top of the hamper. It stank of my son's crotch, but I wasn't going to arrive commando style before a group of women I'd never met.I survey seven women sitting on cheap desk chairs. They have hard plastic seats. The edge chafes my thighs past the hem of. "Good whore, I love to fuck your face."I pull her off and tell her she can have some more. She goes back for one more line and I get behind her and grab her by the ass. I tell her I want to fuck her ass again while she was blowing her lines and we could watch ourselves in the mirror. She grins and I take place. It's a lot easier to get in this time as she is still wet with my cum in her ass, I started easing it in. I hear her blow a line and I start picking up pace. I am watching my dick. ...The other students will not behere until Friday, and you should all be feeling quite a bit better bythen and able to socialize with your new classmates over the weekend.Classes actually start next Monday. This week is to get you, the newstudents, acclimatized and to start your therapy so it won't be sojarring when the other girls arrive. The girls who are here already areall student advisors. You will each be assigned a big sister to help youtransition. They have all been through what you. I was so confused and frustrated.“Did I do something wrong?!” I started thinking.I laid down on my bed for hours thinking of what went wrong. I got up and I went to knock on her door, but stopped myself. I decided not to. So I just paced around the hallway and went back into my bedroom. Suddenly I get a text message. I reach for my phone and it’s a text from Julia.“Come to me” It says.“Fuck yeah” I thinkI drop my phone on the bed, deep breaths, I am very nervous. I don’t know what is going to.
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