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He would lead me to her later. I had two killers to deal with and it was time to end this. I turned to Conaroe and told him," You're a piece of shit. I won't allow you to continue to kill targets just because they turn down your deals. You give us all a bad name." Conaroe sneered as he came to understand his game was no longer a secret."Fuck you tough guy." he said as he extended the cattle prod and pressed the button sending the electric current through me once more.The result for the first. I immediately moved over to the trapdoor where I could look down. It was almost pitch black so there was no chance of his seeing me overhead. Suddenly, a dim light was turned on down below, and I moved back so that just my eyes were looking over the edge. I watched as he walked over toward a workbench, knelt down, and pulled open a trapdoor. I could see a ladder leading down into... where? Holy shit! He descended the ladder, and closed the trap behind him. Now it looked just like some. I went upstairs and peeked around the corner. I saw my wife Kim on the bed. She was on her hands and knees with a big fat cock sticking in her mouth while she was being fucked in the ass and pussy at the same time.I was shocked at first then I noticed my cock was getting real hard in my pants. So I unzipped my pants and started jacking my cock up and down. Kim had talked to me before about fucking other guys but I thought she was just talking dirty to me to get me horny.I couldn’t believe how. ”I squeezed it gently, earning myself an open-mouthed kiss from her while my other hand caressed her other boob.Meanwhile, the two girls had moved on to kissing naked breasts with hands up their friend's skirt, and as we all watched, they sank to the floor.“Let’s watch them,” Sally whispered. “But remember where we were.”She scrambled up beside me in the big old, overstuffed chair and giggled as she felt me on her bottom beneath her skirt.“So that’s why they call you Randy.”“I just can’t resist.
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