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I rather wondered when someone would want to talk to me about it."He gave me directions to his place and we agreed Wednesday evening at seven-thirty. I was thinking about all the opportunities there were for his product and I could see myself getting pretty damn rich if I played my cards right.As you can imagine, I had that on my mind most of the day as I worked at the shop. I stamped my time card right on five o'clock and headed for the Airstream. I'd brought it to work today to save time and. Alex suspected the underlying motives for his colleagues' outwardly friendly concern, but he also knew that as his role at Ibex International wasn't at all demanding the company was unlikely to suffer much from his absence. One advantage in having a good excuse to take time off was that he would be at less risk of saying something that would betray his ignorance about the products that Ibex International manufactured and marketed."She's a beautiful girl," said Isobel as she cradled their. "Enjoy buddy." Before I could answer he was in the room and closing the door.I walked into the room and closed the door. Turning around I found Bridget naked and prone on the bed. I dropped my robe and crawled between her open legs.My cock head drew a clear line of juice as I moved up the bed. My tongue met her clit as my body settled on the bed. I licked her button as Bridget softly moaned. Kept working her clit as she moaned, "You never did that before." I lifted her legs and wormed my way. "Yes Jack, and just one third place," Phil reminded him, "She needs her thighs done again, and she forgot the routine, perhaps we should accept she will never be more than a supporting act, a good looking one. Jen is our best prospect by far if only we could get her arms right, her elbows together."Jack watched Jenkins thrust into Oriel with renewed vigour and was gratified to see how Oriel ground back equally as hard, her muscles milking his rock hard cock, "I'm coming Oh god oh gosh" Jenkins.
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