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Even shit eating seems natural now, even if it still disgustsme. I simply can't remember a time when I didn't eat shit every day,when my thirst wasn't quenched with urine or cum. A vague recollectionof what it was like to be able to cum, to have an orgasm, exists in theback of my mind, but it gets weaker and weaker every day. Being the man's torture and fuck puppet must be my function in life. Ican't remember a time when it wasn't so, so he must be right in treatingme like this. I still scream. He could do nothing but moan in ecstasy as his captor fondled & rolled his long, thick shaft between her hands at will until he started to throb & was ready to explode. He can see her barefeet flapping in the air as she lay between his legs & he is even more aroused.Damn, sweetheart, you should be in a magazine! You’re cock is not only gargantuan, but just sexy & beautiful. It’s so cute how you’re throbbing in my hands.I think you like me playing with your big fat cock, while I have you all. “Ah, there you are!” I chuckled as I spilled my seed into a very enthusiastic Bancey this time.“Who are you? Where are we?” Amy asked me rather brazenly, given her intent to kidnap and kill poor Eddie.“You’re in the home of my friend here, Frank Black, and this is ... another universe, Amy. One where you’ll be very hard-pressed to get your hands on any more V, so if I were you, I’d be nice to me, okay? Eddie over there, your intended hostage, is probably the only vampire in this reality, and. I knew it was possible for some women, but I never thought it was possible for me. I mean, my pussy is still quivering and the orgasm has been over for a good five minutes. What in the hell did you just do to me, where in the hell did you learn about this, and why haven’t you done it before?’ ‘Well, I was in the bookstore the other day in the self-help section looking at massage books when I came across this book called ‘Hit the Spot!’. It was a book that explained where the G-spot is and.
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