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His whole body went up and down in goosebumps and she bent in her waist from the powerful feelings emanating from the tiny button to her secret palace of pleasure nested between her legs and moaned lustily. The water suddenly ran cold and Jen squealed squeezing his dick in her hands and making him jerk about. They felt hot now. John sat Jenny on the bottom of the shower but she resisted and forced him down instead. Sitting astride his stomach she carefully positioned her genitals on top. Watching his face as he entered me again, the pure pleasure as my lips engulfed his old flesh. I grinded on his shaft slowly whilst I pushed my big tits in his face, letting him suck them. "Is that good grandpa?" speeding up the pace at which he sunk deep inside me. My pussy was starting to enjoy his old cock. David drew his head from my tits "Yes young girl, fuck me!" confirming I was hitting the right spot. My swollen clitoris was rubbing against his stomach as I fucked him hard, driving me. ” Not knowing what else to say, I begin to realize that I needed to get out before Julie happens to check on her girls. Kissing Dawn hard and deep I get up and walk to the door, “your birthday seems so far away, it will be wonderful,” and out the door I go. I head down the hall to the stairs and down, hoping to get out before Julie might find me. When I get in the living room I see her, behind the couch, on her knees and elbows, naked as hell, wearing only a black silk choker collar around her. The night before I was going to be sent home,Jane( her actual name) decided,after calling the doctor,that I needed a cathterization to drain my bladder and also an enema. She first inserted the enema tube into my rectum and filled my bowels up,or so it seemed. Don't know what she put in that enema but I quickly felt relaxed and really horny. After expelling the fluid with only a small amount of feces. she disinfected the head of my soon very erect penis and inserted a size 20 foley catheer.
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