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I know that I have you right where I want you: slowly retreating from the edge of orgasm. Still, however, I can tell that the public setting has you as turned on as ever.I let my hand leave yours and place it on your ass, guiding you onto the escalator ahead of me. Your face turns even paler as you face forwards and lose sight of me. However, the reassuring touch of my hand on your ass is enough to center you emotionally.Stepping into the narrow channel behind you, I feel my hardness strain. It was my ex-husband. He, evidently had arrived while I was in the shower. "What are you doing here?" I blurted out. " Oh, I came by to check on the dogs. Didn't expect to see you here. Or at least I didn't expect to see that much of you." He smiled that crooked grin that I knew meant he had enjoyed what he had seen. I wasn't so sure about his reaction. I had put on about 30 pounds since the last time he saw me naked and I was feeling pretty self conscious about how fat my ass had become. I. I decided to leave because it had been pretty late. As I was driving around, I noticed a girl walking down the sidewalk, stumbling a bit. It was her. She was pretty far from home. I pulled over and rolled down the window and asked if she was alright. She mumbled her words a little bit and said she was fine, just going home. I told her to hop in and I'd give her a ride and at first she said no but then she changed her mind. I watched her get in. She was wearing a tight black skirt with a low cut. She asked me,” what is this cow’s name?”“malu” I replied. Then she asked me to stop what I was doing. I looked at her and saw that there was a different look in her eyes. A hungry look of lust. She moved the bucket, removed her pallu and tucked it into her waist. I could clearly see her nipples through the blouse now and her juicy navel. My cock started getting hard. While doing all this she was looking at me. She then took the breast of the cow and started milking the cow skilfully squirting.
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