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She smiled to herself. That part of her was gone forever.A well-dressed man stepped forward to meet her. "Karin Saunders?" he asked."Yes, I'm Karin."He smiled warmly at her and held out his hand. "Welcome to the President's Ball. Thank you so much for coming. My name is, um, 'John Adams' and I am to be your escort for the evening." He continued in a conspiratorial tone, as if she were being let in on a secret. "This is an annual event and the only one I go to. All of the men here are presidents. "I couldn't believe it. "Are you telling me the girls know? I mean they said you had to do this?"She nuzzled me again. "No. They said I didn't have to do it. Most of them volunteered to do it again when we ran out of girls. But I told them it wasn't worth losing the luck. I only told them I'd give you a hand job, or maybe a blow job. They don't know we... did it." So why did we... do it?" I asked.She looked into my eyes. "I love you Bobby. It seems like I've loved you forever. You always cared. " I was still unsure about her being serious or teasing me. I lifted one of her legs up and placed her foot against my cheek. I could smell the faint, sexy fragrance of her foot and it really turned me on. I slipped my tongue between the leather of her shoe and her stocking covered foot and ankle. "Oooooh," she said, "That feels so nice. It tickles but it feels so nice...mmmmmm...I love it." I slipped her shoe off and kissed the bottom of Wendy's foot. The smell of her sweaty foot was stronger. "Ok, time for the big revel" Amanda said. They turned me around to face to mirror. I took one look and my mouth dropped open. I was speechless, I knew it was me but it didn't look like me. The hair, eyeshadow, lip stick. I went from the farm girl look to a porn star look. "Well?" Amanda asked, "What ya think " The room was silent, no sound but the muffled music from down stairs. I managed to snap back to reality and said "holly shit, I love it."The girls celebrated in cheer. "Now your ready to.
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