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“Are you ready for desert lover?” she asked me grinning.“I am damn ready for your desert, darlin’, feed it to me.” I told her.Lori moved upward and straddled my head, lowering her wet pussy to my lips. I immediately pushed my tongue up into her wetness. I could taste something very good……..very familiar. I continued to suck on her and felt something fall into my mouth. The taste was familiar to me, but somehow different. Whatever was in my mouth was soft and round. I looked up at Lori’s. "I didn't do anything to your shadow, little girl." I said with a sneer. "It's what you are ... creatures of the light do not cast shadows." I said between moans of pain."Undo it." She said."What?" UNDO IT!" she screamed. "Change me back, make me human again." She sounded hystericalI was confused ... she wanted to be human? ... Interesting."You're much better off now," I said, while slowly easing off the stalagmite.Wet sounds of gore echoed off the cave walls. I tried not to look at my. I immediately tensed up and I got more than alittle nervous. She grabbed the top of my belly button. I started tostress when I saw the size of the needle. Then I really stressed asthe needle went into my skin, but the moment passed quickly. Itreally wasn't that bad after all. Just a little pinch and it wasover. She gave me a mirror and there, hanging perfectly over mynavel, was the school's mascot. Now I looked just like the othergirls.She gave me an aftercare kit which consisted of piercing. ) than cats, dogs and other potential hosts. But all that has changed.I spent the early part of my life living on a dog, Caesar. It wasn't too bad since he was a farm dog and I didn't have to contend with regular grooming, baths and those killer powders and such that I've heard are common with the higher class city dogs.I might have passed my life in that manner but for a stroke of fate. A young woman appeared one day and I deduced from the conversation I overheard while she was petting my.
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Tucking porn videos

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Wife Tucked by hubby Friend

Indian Brunette Masturbing - Tucked The Pink Dildo Into Her Fleshy Pussy

Indian Brunette Masturbing - Tucked The Pink Dildo Into Her Fleshy Pussy

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