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..behind my back? nothing, really,, well, yes, they are handcuffs....n–no, i, i, i wasn’t....... sigh....left or right boot first, Miss Iza??Chapter Seven:?thanks for helping me practise jenna, i’m sure i can get the hang of this remote if i can just try it without all that pressure! i know they work really well, it’s just, well, they confuse me, i can never tell which muddom do breth...hemma!! melb!! heb ib ovv he!!! MELB!!!? Chapter Eight:?ok, i get it now, swing it forward. She’d always been super tight, which made sex painful for her but didn’t stop her wanting it, and made me enjoy it even more. I would definitely miss that about her - my new girl wasn’t quite as tight, though definitely not loose, and she made up for it with the improvement of the rest of the body. We fucked raw and wild for ages, me ramming her mercilessly in doggystyle and missionary, then when I wanted a rest making her ride me in cowgirl, getting her to squeeze her vaginal muscles and work. Angela was in more pain than she thought she could bare. She wished Justin would return; at least he didn't treat her like this guy did. Andrew pounded her for a good 20 minutes or so, when he pulled his cock out, ripped off the duct tape which was covering her mouth, and stuck his cock in it to release his load down her sweet throat. He pulled it out, got dressed again, and left the room for a few minutes.Angela had the taste of her own blood and pussy juices in her mouth. She thought it was. As soon as I’d collected my bags, I ran to a restroom and emerged as Riley Finn. I never thought traveling as myself was traveling incognito. But no one would remember seeing Deb Riley. They couldn’t miss Riley Finn. The big differences are hair color and a propensity for more makeup and bigger sunglasses. Combine that with a slinky short dress and ridiculously high heels. Unless I ran into a member of the committee, no one would recognize me as having ever been in Seattle. You wouldn’t believe.
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