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They may even taunt me or present me with a dare at times. I appreciate that. And that is what I expect from all of you. There are no limits here except necrophilia, involuntary amputation/castration and death."While Lisa explained to the girls how things worked around here, Eva helped Rick strip. Sarah and Lynn were just a few feet away. Lynn took off her panties. She had an amazing body. Tight, toned, hairless from the neck down and with an amazing pair of D-cups. She had a real hourglass. He was smiling victoriously as he stroked his big dick. I coyishly smiled back and cupped my spent pussy as if to shield it from any more of his evil sexiness. After conceding defeat I leaned forward and got onto my hands and knees. I crawled towards him. Our eyes were locked but I was concentrating on watching him pleasure himself in my peripheral vision. Our lips met with our mouths open and our tongues collided and seemed to wrestle for position. His face tasted like my pussy, and his. Craig was never short of a willing recipient for his lust but none of them had ever replaced that vision, his dream that one day it would be his mother beneath him, smiling and encouraging as he emptied his balls inside her.Both men were silent for a while, finishing their beers and reliving what had just happened. Tom was the first to speak.“Are you okay son?” he asked“ I’m fine Dad,” he replied, “but what about you, are you really okay with what we did?”“Your mother and l have been talking. I moved a little closer and soon our thighs were rubbing against each other. Nishant’s hand soon went to the button of my jeans and after popping it he slid his hand inside my jeans. I was wearing a white cotton panties inside.Nishant moved the elastic so that he could touch my moist hauiry womanhood. Meanwhile his other hand had crept inside my top tocup my breast on top of my brassiere.I felt my breasts going even fuller than before and when I shifted my leg I felt Nishant’s erection rubbing.
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