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I guess what Dad said is right," I said and placed my hand lightly on her thigh.Bethany lowered her hands, placing them on top of mine, and looked at me with her tear-filled eyes."What do you mean?"Oh fuck... I shouldn't have said that.My mind raced with ways I could try to cover what I just said. I couldn't tell her what Dad said to me about exploiting women. I felt it would only make things worse and thought she wouldn't believe me in the first place.Think shit head. Think!But I couldn't, and. "Sir Roger Chadwicke, the British Governor of Barbados, was the third son of His Grace, Cecil Chadwicke, fourth Duke of Northampton. His posting to the island was fortuitous, a prestigious posting for a third son. His salary was only a small portion of his remuneration. A portion of the port tax and of any privateer's cargo also went into the pocket of the governor."As Pete paused to take a drink of water, Elise said, "I have a question."Pete's quickly swallowed a sip of water and answered,. The man was power-fucking me like the nutter had done a week earlier.'In, out! In, out!' continued Gee. 'Fuck his brains out.'The two of us began grunting and groaning in unison as my inner sanctum was flooded by yet another load of seed. Carl's climax lasted a good deal longer than Gee's, and still he continued to fuck me in fits and starts for some time after.'The poor sod's done in,' said Gee to Carl. 'Let's call it a day and hit the showers.''Okay, old man,' replied Carl. 'But he's coming. ”“How about an extra $150 a month? Clothes are expensive.”“Helene, the salary’s already very high. I’ll raise the signing bonus to $750, but I can’t do more than that for you. And the extra hundred each month.”Helene knew when to stop pushing. “OK, Gene, you’ve got yourself a sexretary.” Very pleased with herself, Helene stretched, pushing her breasts forward, an action Gene eagerly followed. “Gene, aren't you forgetting something?”“I don’t think so. What?”“Shouldn’t you, as the boss, have the.
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