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And now I know." Aww..." Monica said encouragingly, and leaned in to hug Rachel.Just then, Joey walked in and saw them hugging. "Big day," he said approvingly. They both looked at him, without breaking their embrace."Joey, get out!" Monica ordered. Surprised, he quickly left. They sat back as Monica asked, "Why do guys have a thing about seeing two girls being affectionate?" I don't know," said Rachel, "I guess they just don't understand how easy it is for two women to be such close friends.". .Bob can be so rude can't he but he is not here anywayin wonderment i entered the room and closed the door behind me"have a seat"so i sat on the edge of the bedengaging in conversation she was very friendly with a lovely smileand as things progressed her gown slipped open more and more revealing a pair of huge breasts encased in a sexy see-through black bra that allowed me a view of her nipples which appeared to be erectit was obvious that i was staring but then again it was obvious she did not. The snow is melted in places where people have built fires in desperate attempt to keep warm. Children dodge into alleys, avoiding you. One child throws his gift back into your face, screaming at you. “YOU ABANDONED US!” You blink, frowning at him, trying to explain that you just got caught up in other things. He ignores you, turning around and running away. You see that the back of his jacket has a gang symbol… As you stand watching him go, the bag is suddenly ripped away from your grasp. A. I looked from one to the other, sensing some undercurrent, but not knowing what it could be.“Anyway” said Mom, “Dipti has a special surprise for you tonight that I don’t think you’d want to miss at all”I felt myself go bright scarlet.Dad grinned even more widely, “I’m intrigued, something to do with your shopping expedition?” he asked.“Wait and see” said Mom laughing, then looked at me and winked, “I think we should keep him in suspense as long as possible, don’t you?”I could not even nod to.
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